Clean Air Action Network – Digital Media and Communications Strategist
(September 2020- September 2021)

For this position, I was in charge of developing CAAN’s entire set of integrated online resource systems, since taken over and significantly altered, Namely, their organizational and legibility techniques have since gone in a different direction, but their backend remains an example of my work.
In the development process, I completed major projects to incorporate our contact management systems, donation functions, and informational archives into a website for CAAN, developing each online resource from scratch. This includes every aspect of CAAN's branding as well.
Regularly utilized during position:
Wix, Action Network, Canva, Google Workspace, Google SEO, Namecheap, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Bridge, Premiere Pro, YouTube, Zoom
Please find all online resources developed during this position by clicking to CAAN's Website:
Here are a few resources I developed for CAAN's Online Systems that I'm able to share here:
CAAN Trainings and Webinars
I did all publicity graphics, technical support and online integration:
CAAN Newsletter
I completed all design and layout for CAAN's first newsletter, sent out to all members and viewable on the CAAN website. I also designed all letterhead and every aspect of branding.

Pentagon Budget Campaign and Smith College Center of Religious and Spiritual Life
Website Management
(2016 & 2018-2019)
Two additional websites that I have helped to streamline and populate are for the above organizations, of which the CRSL website is still active and linked below. For each I provided incite on layout, kept the pages up to date, and created relevant content, some of which is represented in the Publicity section of my portfolio.
Utilized during position:
Wordpress, Drupal, Canva, Photoshop