Ali Sethi – Freelance Graphic Design
(July 2023 - September 2023)
Jake Blount, signed with Smithsonian Folkways Records – Freelance Graphic Design
(February 2022)
Jake Blount, signed with Free Dirt Records – Freelance Graphic Design
(February 2022)
Jake Blount, signed with Free Dirt Records – Freelance Graphic Design
(August 19 - February 2020)
Jake Blount, self released – Freelance Graphic Design
(July 2017 - August 2017)
National Regulatory Research Institute – Freelance Graphic Design
(June 2020- July 2021)
Completed all resource development necessary to create slideshow for large scale NRRI online conference including:
extensive video, sound and photo editing, file management, and ongoing communication on visual prioritization
Clean Air Action Network – Freelance Graphic Design and Online Media Strategist
(September 2020- September 2021)
Postcards and Button Design